Azure-Admin Online Training

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There’s a lot more to Azure than certs. We also offer deep dives into specialty topics like Serverless, Cosmos DB, and Azure AD, as well as a super-accessible Intro to Azure course that’s perfect for newcomers.


Microsoft Azure Certification Training for Azure Solutions Architect (AZ 303) is curated by industry professionals as per the industry requirements and demands. This Azure training will help you prepare for the Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies (AZ-303) Exam – Part of Azure Solutions Architect Badge (Expert-level). You will be able to effectively design and architect robust cloud solutions using Azure services.

Did you know?

This Azure Certification Course will help you implement advanced networking configurations, plan authentication and security of the infrastructure, use PaaS solutions and various services to deploy end-to-end cloud solutions.

Why learn and get certified in Python?

An Azure certification can act as a power-up for your resume, helping you get your foot in the door to a cloud career or take the next step from your current role. For most learners, AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals or AZ-103 Azure Administrator are the ideal places to start your Azure certification journey.

Course Objective

After the completion of this course, Trainee will:
The Azure Administrator certification course requires professionals to be proficient in using PowerShell and the Command Line Interface. They should also have prior experience with Azure Portal, ARM templates, operating systems, virtualization, cloud infrastructure, storage structures, and networking.


1.Azure Fundamentals Part 1: Describe core Azure concepts.
2. Azure Fundamentals Part 2: Describe core Azure services.

Who should attend this Training?

Wondering which Azure certification path is right for you? If you’re new to tech, the first stop on your Azure certification path is the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification. If you have some experience with Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), or Google Cloud (GCP), you might be ready for the Azure Administrator Associate.

How will I perform the practical sessions in Online training?

There’s no cloud know-how or Azure experience needed to start Azure training with A Cloud Guru. Our AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals certification course is 13 hours of accessible-to-all Azure training delivered with a splash of playfulness and plenty of hands-on learning that will help you build the skills you need to advance your Azure skills.

Azure-Admin Course Syllabus

Cloud Technology Overview

    1. Microsoft Azure
    2. Azure Portals
    3. Managing Azure with Windows Power Shell

Virtual machines options

    1. Classic VM vs Azure Resource Manager (ARM) VM Creating and Configure a Classic Azure Virtual machine Understand Cloud Service and Classic VM
    2. Create a Resource manager VM
    3. Availability Set (Fault and Update Domains) Azure Load balancer configuration
    4. Troubleshooting virtual machines (Boot diagnostics, Redeploy etc.,) Monitoring Virtual machines
    5. Setup alerts

Planning Storage

    1. Classification of storage &Usage of different types of storage Blob, File, Queue, Table, Disk Storage Overview Implementing and Managing Storage
    2. Monitoring Storage
    3. Usage of tools for connecting to Storage Attaching Disks to VM's/Expanding disks

Overview of Azure Backup Services

    1. Azure VM backup
    2. On premise data backup to Azure
    3. Retention policies

Planning Virtual Networks

    1. Overview of Azure Virtual Networks
    2. Understand Azure DNS and use cases
    3. Overview of Network security groups

Implementing HA website solution

    1. Implementing Domain controller in Azure and usage of Azure DNS/NSG’s
    2. Joining systems to domain
    3. Connect to Azure using Visual Studio
    4. Managing azure from Visual Studio (Azure SDK).

Planning for Website Deployment

    1. Deploying Websites
    2. Configuring Websites
    3. Monitoring Websites and Web jobs
    4. Scaling websites
    5. Troubleshooting websites
    6. Tools

Prepare for Certification

Our training and certification program gives you a solid understanding of the key topics covered on the Oreilly’s Azure-Admin Certification. In addition to boosting your income potential, getting certified in Azure-Admin demonstrates your knowledge of the skills necessary to be a successful Azure-Admin Developer. The certification validates your ability to produce reliable, high-quality results with increased efficiency and consistency.