AWS With DevOps Online Training

  • (25 REVIEWS )

AWS DevOps Server is a Microsoft product that provides version control, reporting, requirements management, project management, automated builds, testing and release management capabilities. It covers the entire application lifecycle, and enables DevOps capabilities.


AWS DevOps provides integration with popular open source and third-party tools and services—across the entire DevOps workflow. Use the tools and languages you know. Spend less time integrating and more time delivering higher-quality software, faster.


There are no particular prerequisites for this training course. If you love to learn, it is helpful in every possible way. You will also get guidance of expert faculty and supervision with this course.

Course Objectives

This course is designed for organizations that are adopting Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) and need staff skilled in how to configure and administer their VSTS account.The course covers creating and managing your organization’s VSTS account as well as how to add users and manage licenses. It looks at security and setting up your source control repositories. You’ll learn how to work with both hosted build/release

Prepare for Certification!

Our training and certification program gives you a solid understanding of the key topics covered by Foundation and Advanced Level Certification exams. This is aimed at students who have recently completed, and experienced professionals to enhance their practical knowledge in AWS With DevOps modules. In addition to boosting your income potential, getting certified, demonstrates your knowledge and the skills, understanding of the fundamentals of AWS With DevOps along with processes, tools, techniques, and management methodology. The certification validates your ability to produce reliable, high-quality results with increased efficiency and consistency.

How will I perform the practical sessions in Online training?

For online training, US Global IT provides a virtual environment that helps in accessing each other’s system. The complete course material in pdf format, reference materials, course code is provided to trainees. US Global IT conductes online sessions through any of the available requirements like Skype, WebEx, GOTOMeeting, Webinar, etc.

AWS DevOps course Syllabus

    LINUX Basics:

    1. Unix and linux difference
    2. Linux File system structure
    3. Basic linux/unix commands
    4. Changing file permissions and ownership
    5. Types of links soft and hard link
    6. Filter commands
    7. Simple filter and advance filter commands
    8. Start and stop services
    9. Find and kill the process with id and name
    10. Package installation using RPM and YUM

    Introduction to Devops

    1. Define Devops
    2. What is Devops
    3. SDLC models,Lean,ITIL,Agile
    4. Why Devops?
    5. History of Devops
    6. Devops Stakeholders
    7. Devops Goals
    8. Important terminology
    9. Devops perspective
    10. Devops and Agile
    11. Devops Tools
    12. Configuration management
    13. Continuous Integration and Deployment

    Introduction to Cloud computing

    1. What is cloud computing
    2. Characteristics of cloud computing
    3. Cloud implementation models
    4. Cloud service models
    5. Advantages of cloud computing
    6. Concerns of cloud computing

    GIT: Version Control

    1. Introduction
    2. What is Git
    3. About Version Control System and Types o Difference between CVCS and DVCS
    4. o A short history of GIT o GIT Basics

      o  GIT Command Line

    5. Installing Git
    6. Installing on Linux
    7. Installing on Windows
    8. Initial setup
    9. Git Essentials
    10. Creating repository
    11. Cloning, check-in and committing o Fetch pull and remote
    12. o  Branching

      o  Creating the Branches, switching the branches, merging the branches.

    Chef for configuration management

    1. Overview of Chef
    2. Common Chef Terminology (Server,
    3. Workstation, Client, Repository etc.)
    4. Servers and Nodes
    5. Chef Configuration Concepts
    6. Workstation Setup
    7. How to configure knife
    8. Execute some commands to test connection between knife and workstation
    9. Organization Setup
    10. Create organization
    11. Add yourself and node to organization
    12. Test Node Setup
    13. Create a server and add to organization
    14. Check node details using knife
    15. Node Objects and Search
    16. How to Add Run list to Node
    17. Check node Details
    18. Environments
    19. How to create Environments
    20. Add servers to environments
    21. Roles
    22. Create roles
    23. Add Roles to organization
    24. Attributes
    25. Understanding of Attributes
    26. Creating Custom Attributes
    27. Defining in Cookbooks
    28. Data bags
    29. Understanding the data bags
    30. Creating and managing the data bags
    31. Creating the data bags using CLI and Chef Console o Sample data bags for Creating Users.
    32. Creating AWS account
    33. Free tier Eligible services
    34. Understanding AWS Regions and availability zones
    35. EC2 ( Elastic Cloud Comput)
    36. About EC2 and types , Pricing
    37. EIP ( Elastic IP address), Allocating, associating , releasing
    38. Launch windows and Linux Instances in AWS
    39. Connecting windows and Linux instances from windows desktop and Linux machines
    40. S3 ( Simple Storage Service)
    41. About AWS Storage services, EBS and S3
    42. Creating S3 Buckets and putting objects in bucket
    43. Discussion about Bucket Properties
    44. S3 Pricing
    45. About S3 glecier
    46. EBS ( Elastic Block Storage)
    47. Types of EBS Volumes
    48. Creation, attaching and Detaching volumes
    49. ELB ( Elastic Load Balancer)
    50. Understanding the load balancing
    51. Configuring ELB and adding the webservers under ELB
    52. Auto Scaling
    53. Types of Scaling ( Horizontal and Vertical)
    54. Configuring Launch Configuration
    55. Creating and defining the auto scaling group policy
    56. IAM ( Identity Access Management)
    57. Understanding of AWS Security using IAM
    58. Definition of Roles, policies and Groups
    59. Creating IAM Users and managing password policies
    60. RDS ( Relational Database server)
    61. About RDS and available RDS Engines in AWS
    62. Configuring MYSQL RDS service
    63. Connecting EC2 Instance to RDS Instance

    Puppet for configuration management

    1. What is Puppet?
    2. How puppet works o Puppet Architecture o Master and Agents
    3. o  Puppet terminology and about Manifests

    4. Installation and Configuration
    5. Installing Puppet
    6. Configuring Puppet Master and Agent
    7. Connecting Agents
    8. Puppet Master
    9. Puppet configuration files
    10. Puppet Language Basics
    11. The declarative language
    12. Resources
    13. Using Basic resources like file,exec,package service
    14. Resource Collectors
    15. Virtual Resources
    16. Exported Resources
    17. Manifests
    18. Modules and Classes
    19. Class Parameters
    20. Defined Type
    21. Templates
    22. Static Contents Explosion
    23. Using Dynamic Content with Templates
    24. Templates Overview
    25. ERB
    26. Example Code Manifests/Modules
    27. NTP Module
    28. Users Module
    29. SSH
    30. Sudo
    31. Puppet Forge
    32. Understanding the Puppet Forge
    33. Module structure
    34. Install LAMP with preexisting modules
    35. Installing Apache Tomcat with Puppet Modules

    Jenkins – Continuous Integration

  • Introduction.
    1. Understanding continuous integration
    2. Introduction about Jenkins
    3. Build Cycle
    4. Jenkins Architecture
    5. Installation
    6. Obtaining and installing Jenkins
    7. Installing and configuring Jenkins using WAR and RPM o Java installation and configuration
    8. o  Maven Installation

      o  Exploring Jenkins Dashboard.

    9. Jobs
    10. Creating Jobs
    11. Running the Jobs
    12. Setting up the global environments for Jobs
    13. Adding and updating Plugins
    14. Disabling and deleting jobs
    15. Build Deployments
    16. Understanding Deployment.
    17. Tomcat installation and configuration
    18. Securing Jenkins
    19. Authentication
    20. Jenkins Plugin o Authorization o Confidentiality o Creating users
    21. o  Best Practices for Jenkins

    Docker– Containers.

    1. Introduction
    2. What is a Docker
    3. Use case of Docker
    4. Platforms for Docker
    5. Dockers vs. Virtualization
    6. Architecture
    7. Docker Architecture.
    8. Understanding the Docker components
    9. Installation
    10. Installing Docker on Linux.
    11. Understanding Installation of Docker on windows.
    12. Some Docker commands.
    13. Provisioning
    14. Docker Hub.
    15. Downloading Docker images.
    16. Uploading the images in Docker Registry and AWS ECS
    17. Understanding the containers
    18. Running commands in container.
    19. Running multiple containers.
    20. Custom images
    21. Creating a custom image.
    22. Running a container from the custom image.
    23. Publishing the custom image.
    24. Docker Networking
    25. Accessing containers
    26. Linking containers
    27. Exposing container ports
    28. Container Routing
    29. Docker Compose
    30. Installing The Docker compose
    31. Terminology in Docker compose
    32. Build word press site using Docker compose


  • Introduction
  • Why and what is Vagrant
  • Uses of Vagrant in an environment
  • Alternatives of Vagrant
  • Vagrant versions
    1. Installation and Configuration
    2. Installing Virtual box
    3. How to install Vagrant on Windows and Linux
    4. Configuring Vagrant
    5. Provisioning with Vagrant
    6. Creating first VM with Vagrant
    7. Operations on the VM o Connecting to the VM
    8. o  Add required Images to Vagrant

      o  Creating network and port forwarding using Vagrant


    1. Introduction
    2. About Monitoring tools o About New Relic
    3. o  Installing and Configuring New Relic

      o Application Monitoring using New Relic o Server Monitoring using New Relic

      o  Alerts policies


    1. Introduction
    2. What is ELK?
    3. ELK Installation
    4. ElasticSearch
    5. Logstash
    6. Configuring Logstashand Kibana


    Certification assistance provided with proper guidance and certification notes.